We believe the early years are of great significance in an individual’s growth and development. The enriching and stimulating experiences during childhood will have a positive influence throughout his or her lifespan. In this daycare we provide an environment that is physically safe, intellectually challenging and emotionally nurturing, where children learn and develop through play and exploration and through
Children feel secure, loved and valued in a learning environment that is designed and implemented based on a developmentally appropriate program plan that caters to the individual child’s needs and abilities. The emergent child-directed curriculum is an ongoing learning process in which educators, children and families interact, share ideas and collaborate to acquire new knowledge on to build on current knowledge. The process involves observation and recording of children’s interests and their emerging skills. Staff collaborate with children to brainstorm activity ideas (webbing) to enhance their learning which promotes multiple intelligences that are present in the group of children in their care. These learning experiences (projects) are documented and evaluated as a group.
Our Programs
ECS (Kindergartners)
BAS (Before & After School) Program
Our Philosophy & Mission
We believe the pre-school years are of great significance in a child’s growth and development. In this daycare we provide an environment that is physically safe, intellectually challenging and emotionally nurturing, where children learn and develop through play and exploration and through child-centered, adult guided activities. The physical environment as well as a developmentally-appropriate program plan is designed to meet the needs of children in all areas of development- Social, Physical, Intellectual, Cognitive and Emotional. Individualized planning and supportive interaction between staff and children help children feel safe and confident for free exploration and learning.