Here is the list of holidays in 2014 when our daycare will remain closed.
January 1 Wednesday New Year’s Day
February 17 Monday Family Day
April 18 Friday Good Friday
April 21 Monday Easter Monday
May 19 Monday Victoria Day
July 01 Tuesday Canada Day
August 04 Monday Heritage Day
September 01 Monday Labor Day
October 13 Monday Thanksgiving Day
November 11 Tuesday Remembrance Day
December 24 (Wednesday) 12 noon to January 1(Thursday)’15 – CHRISTMAS BREAK
Please make alternate arrangements for childcare if you happen to be working on any of the above dates – esp. April 21 (Easter Monday), August 4 (Heritage Day), November 11 (Remembrance Day) and between December 25, 2014 and January 1, 2015 when the daycare center will remain closed. Please mark them on your calendar.