Happy New Year to all! Hope all of you had a very enjoyable holiday season. I take this opportunity to thank each and every parent for your wonderful support and cooperation during the past year. I would also like to personally thank all of you who supported our food Drive for Inter-faith Food Bank, brought in goodies for our Christmas party and for all the chocolates, gifts and greeting cards for our staff. Your tokens of appreciation mean a lot to us.
As you probably know, we had our 4th re-accreditation site visit last November and I am happy to inform you that we have been re-accredited for another 3 year term. Copy of the detailed site visit report is available for those of you who are interested in taking a look at it. The validator had very good things to say about our programming and staff: child interactions.
We are back on our regular schedule, rested and rejuvenated after a well deserved break. We have planned an exciting winter program crammed with all sorts of art and crafts and fun indoor activities for the children. All rooms have posted their monthly program sheet and copies have been sent home. Despite severe winter weather and loads of snow outdoors, we do take children out at least once a day for a short while unless it is dangerously cold or wet. So please continue to send outdoor wear including snow pants, toque, mitts and boots (all labeled). The daycare will not responsible for misplaced items of clothing if they were not labeled. I would also like to remind you that our daycare policy is that if your children are well enough to attend the daycare, they are expected to take part in all our activities, indoors and outdoors and we may not be able to honor your request to exempt your child from outdoor play.
Due to repeated thawing and freezing, the side walk and patch of grass in front of the daycare as well as the back alley are extremely slippery. Please be extra cautious.
I am still getting complaints regarding a couple of parents who continue to park their cars in an unsafe manner while dropping off/picking up children, often blocking other cars. Once again I request all parents to show courtesy and consideration to other drivers and children. Please parallel park and avoid angle parking in front of the daycare.
Please note the daycare closure dates for the year that has been posted. You may request a copy of the same if you wish. Next daycare closure date will be Monday, February 18 for Family Day.
Sandstone Child Learning Centre now has a facebook page. If I get enough ‘likes’ I can start posting photos and other relevant information there. I would also like to do my bit to conserve environment by posting newsletters online rather than sending home paper version. I will be sending out forms for you to provide your email id and indicate whether you prefer to receive our newsletters through email.
REMINDER: You may collect last year’s fee receipts from the office before filing your tax returns.
Once again, I thank you for your continued support and have a wonderful year!
Sue Menon