Dear Parents:

Spring still seems a far way off, but March is here and we are ready to spring into action with a whole bunch of fun activities for the coming months.

The major themes for the month will be Saint Patrick’s Day and seasonal activities leading to Easter festivities in April. We will have a “Wear Green Day” and St. Patty’s Day party on Monday, March 17th. Your child’s home room staff will give you more details.

It is tax season and we still have a few parents who have not collected their fee receipts for 2013. You may pick them up from the office at any time.

We had to say good bye to our very popular staff member Patti Stewart as she and her husband decided to move to a different province. We thank Patti for her excellent service rendered. We also said good bye to Kato Wong (School Age Program). Kato joined the daycare in the infant room and has completed nine years with us. Kato and his parents will be missed.

Please note that the daycare will remain closed on Friday, April 18 and Monday, April 21, 2014 for Easter. Your child’s home room staff will give you more details regarding our Easter party closer to the date.

For your information, copies of our newsletters for parents are also posted on the daycare website You may also post your comments there.


1.Please make sure that your children’s indoor and outdoor shoes as well as all outdoor wear and personal stuff are all individually labeled with your child’s name.

2. Fees are due latest by the third working day of the month after which there will be a late charge of 5 dollars per day.

Wish you all a bright, sun soaked spring season.
