Dear Parents:
The year has turned a full circle and another fall season has arrived.
All the children and staff who had taken time off during the summer months are back and we are a full house once again. There are no major staff changes to announce except that Heenal Parmar who worked with infants and ECS children left us end of June to pursue further studies and has been replaced by Charmagne Poculan.
We had to say good bye to some of our ECS children who went on to attend Kindergarten programs in schools beyond our area. We also had a few new children joining us in various age groups. I would like to extend a hearty welcome all the newcomers and their families.
Weather has been mild so far but the chilly north winds will start coming our way soon and we have to be prepared. Please be aware that as long as it is not too wet and not dangerously cold, children will have their outdoor play every day. Please make sure that your child has indoor shoes and weather appropriate outdoor wear on all days. All your child’s belongings should be labeled. We will not be responsible for misplaced articles of clothing, shoes, toys and other stuff from home if they are not labeled with your child’s name.
This is also the time for parents to take back home your child’s summer gear including Sun Screen lotion from their cubbies.
Please note: Every year during the month of September, we make it a point to review all our policies. This year we have made two amendments to our Daycare Policies. They are:
1. No cloth diapers and wipes will be accepted in Infant and Toddler Room. Parents are required to provide disposable diapers and wipes.
2. Immunization is mandatory for all children attending our program. It is the parent’s responsibility to make sure that your child’s immunization is up to date.
Daycare will remain closed on the following dates.
1. Monday, October 13, 2014 – Thanksgiving holiday
2. Tuesday, November 11, 20114 – Remembrance Day
We will have our Halloween Costume Parade and Party at the daycare on Friday, October 31. Your child’s homeroom staff will give you more details.
Wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday.
Best regards, Sue