Summer is here and we are gearing up for a fun-filled July and August with lots of outdoor activities planned. Our infants and toddlers will spend a lot of time in our outdoor play areas while our preschoolers will venture out frequently to community parks and playgrounds. Our school-age children and kindergartners have planned a lot of off-site field trips for the entire summer. Since our daily program for July and August includes a lot of off-site activities, please make sure that you bring your child in early.
Most of the days, staff and children will leave the centre by 9.30 am for off-site activities. If you come in after your child’s group has left the center, we are unable to provide care for your child till they are back. This is because there are licensing regulations against mixing different age groups. If you anticipate to be late, please call us to make sure that your child’s group has not left the centre for a field trip. Parents of ECS and school age children, please make sure that you have a copy of your child’s monthly program sheet and please remember to sign the Off Site /Field trip consent forms that your child’s home room staff will put out near the daily sign in/out sheets.
Due to limited spacing, we are unable to offer part-time care or pro-rated fee for your summer holidays. If you plan to take the entire month of July and/or August off and plan to come back in September, you are required to pay a retainer fee of $100.00 to secure the space for next school year. To assist with our staff’s summer vacation planning, please enter your summer holiday plans in the planners posted by your child’s sign in/out sheets or you can email it to
Please make sure that your child has weather appropriate clothing and foot wear as well as hat and sun screen lotion, all labeled with your child’s name. Please note that sandals and open-toed slippers are not allowed both indoors and outdoors for safety reasons. On the days that water play is scheduled, please remember to send a pair of water shoes for your child.
Spring Concert: As you are aware, our Spring Concert is on June 8th from 4:30to5pm. Our Toddlers, Preschoolers, ECS & BAS rooms will be performing. Please come out and cheer them. Please refer to the earlier email/invite for further information.
Post-Dated Cheques: Most of you had given post-dated cheques for monthly fees till June. Please remember to provide cheques for July as soon as possible to avoid late payment fees. Please contact office if you have any questions.
Attention BAS Parents:
Please be reminded that the monthly fees for your child for July and August will be $875/month.
Thank you and have a great summer!
Warm regards,
Shiny Tharayil